Virtual Cacao Ceremonies

Free Virtual Cacao Ceremonies

Join us on Zoom weekly on TUESDAY AT 1PM PT to connect with cacao and each other in beautiful 75-minute virtual ceremonies.
*Note when you sign up you need to confirm your email address before you will receive the Zoom meeting LINK and PASSWORD in a separate email.

Rotating Facilitators

Cynthia Codoner

Cynthia’s passion and work lies between the realms of Shamanic traditions and the power of sound. Connecting to her ancestral Guatemalan roots, she has built a profound relationship with cacao and other plant medicines during her training with both Shipibo and Andean shamans, and continues to cultivate this relationship daily. Cynthia’s voice and channeled melodies, in their force, wholeness, and depth, create a deeply safe container to begin unraveling the blocks in our hearts in order to facilitate the disentanglement of beliefs that keep us small. This sound and vibration, accompanied by heart-opening cacao shines a guiding light on the dark places within which we are often afraid to face. This is Cynthia’s mission: to allow us to embrace all of ourselves so we may truly begin the journey to loving ourselves unconditionally; allowing space for the dark and the light in order to bring about transformative and lasting change. You can connect with Cynthia on Instagram @serpentcyn

Raquel Beckford

Let’s talk about stress baby!
Essential oils, breathwork, movement, community, nature, Self Care is the best care. 🙏🏾Namaste! I am Raquel C. Beckford, International Stress Management Coach and Self Care Ambassador. My offerings to the world include:
RELAX WITH RAQUEL- signature Self touch that relieves stress and ground for optimal health and performance.
POWERMOVES WITH RAQUEL-Therapeutic enhancement of Manifestation power. Tap into your divine power.
I truly believe that we are powerful. I believe that when we are fully present in our mind, body, and spirit we are divine and Unstoppable.
I am formally trained in holistic practices: NY College of Health Professionals. It is my burning desire that all professionals will have a mindful stress management practice at home, office or wherever they are present. You can connect with Raquel @relaxwithraquel on Instagram.

Jocelyn Gordon

Called a "Yoga Rebel" by Yoga Journal Magazine, Jocelyn Gordon is known for her joyful integrations of dance, yoga and meditation - HoopYogini™ and Bhakti Boogie Yoga. She has toured nationally with Wanderlust and is a six time presenter at the Bali Spirit Festival. In her household, there is a clear distinction between candy and dark chocolate, the latter being healthy and medicinal. Although dark chocolate has been always been a part of her life, it wasn’t until she lived in Bali, Indonesia that she experienced cacao as ceremonial. From her peers in Ubud and her own explorations of chocolate in the kitchen and at her altar, her relationship with cacao has expanded from being a primary anchor in helping her child become toilet independent at 15 months, to being a key component in many meditation and movement journeys. Her interaction and offering with cacao is a quiet, breath and body focused practice that is contemplative and allows space for the emotional body to open and express.

Visit @jocelyngordon1 & hoopyogini_worldwide to learn more.

Eve Oak

Eve is a transformational self-care guide. She offers 1-1 psychedelic micro-dose guidance and somatic soul coaching - all in service of living your creative embodied potential through healthy nervous system regulation and becoming more mindful.

Eve is also passionate about helping female bodied beings align fully with their blood-moon cycle & claim embodiment with their archetypal nature, finding acceptance in shadow & wildness. Her training includes counseling work, earth shamanic practices, mentoring with sacred plant medicines, bodywork, tantra, dance & yoga studies. You can find her adventuring to hot springs, making land offerings, drinking cacao & leaving the internet behind as much as possible. You can connect with Eve @templeofyou on Instagram.

Voy Wiacek

Voy Wiacek (Vion-Cek) is a conscious entrepreneur and men’s coach whose mission is to serve love and human transformation. He is the co-founder of We The Rivals and Modern Renaissance Man. By day, he inspires the lives of men through his coaching services Primal Presence and the MRM movement. By night, he devotes his time to family, brotherhood, self mastery, total human optimization, and creative expression. You can connect with Voy on Instagram @voy_official

Ceremony Preparation

  • PLEASE join us on time. If you will be more than 5 minutes late, we ask that you respect the ceremonial container and join the next ceremony.
  • We recommend avoiding or reducing your caffeine intake on ceremony day, and timing meals so you are not too full. This will help your system assimilate the cacao, and prepare your body to receive more subtle energy cues from the cacao.
  • Ideally, you can be in a quiet space that feels comfortable and nourishing to you. Option to create a small altar with a candle & lighter.
  • Pillows to sit on, meaningful objects, a journal and a pen, headphones, and water are also nice things to have nearby.
  • Please prepare your cacao ~10 minutes before ceremony, it can be nice to put it in a thermos to keep it warm. If this is your first time making cacao I would give yourself 25 minutes to prepare your space, your laptop & the cacao and not feel rushed.
  • If you'd like, you can listen to this medicine song to start infusing the cacao as you are stirring it.
  • You can also start to put your intention into your cacao when you make it, too.
  • We'll open the space together and take our first sip together, so please wait to drink it.
  • A ceremonial dose is about 10 discs. Please use your intuition as to how many discs your being is inviting in.


What can I expect?

We will guide you through a 1-hour & 15 minute experience that includes a mix of the following elements. You will prepare your own ceremonial space and your own cacao before the ceremony starts.

  • Opening cacao blessing
  • Intention setting & sharing
  • Moon and astrological themes
  • Cacao education & related topics
  • Meditation and guided inquiry prompts
  • Live music
  • Closing

Will these be recorded so I can watch after?


I’ve never done a cacao ceremony, how should I prepare?

Set the space

  • Ideally, you can be in a private space and dedicate this time to self-care. You can create a nourishing space with pillows, candles, and any special items, such as a notebook & pen, animal totems, oracle cards, incense, crystals, essential oils, herbal medicines, etc. Know that the most important part of your ceremony is your presence. You don’t need any specific items or ritual prep, you simply need to follow your heart’s desires for the space that you want to create! Perhaps a simple sitting pillow and candle is all you want. Let it be you.
  • Since this will be via your laptop or phone, you will want to make sure your devices are charged or that you have a charging cord and outlet nearby. You can prop your computer or phone up in a chair or with books to allow for easeful watching and typing without hurting your neck or back. You may also want headphones!

Make your cacao

  • Select your favorite mug, cacao and follow our foundational recipe here .
  • Since you’ll want to make your cacao before our ceremony starts, it can be helpful to keep it in a thermos so it stays warm. You can then pour it into your special mug once we are ready to start the ceremony.

Keep an open mind & heart

We know new things can be a little intimidating, which is why we wanted to offer these ceremonies in a way that is approachable. Let go of expectations :) If nothing else, think of this as a special time you can set aside for your self-care a couple of times a month.

I want to join but that time doesn’t work for me.

We hear you - the ceremonies will be recorded & e-mailed out so you can sign up and then watch them at a time that works for you.

I don’t have cacao right now, can I still join?

Yes! While cacao will support your ceremony experience, gathering in ceremony is beautiful and effective with or without cacao. We do recommend stocking up before our next ceremony, though!

*Note when you sign up you need to confirm your email address before you will receive the Zoom meeting LINK and PASSWORD in a separate email.

We will see you Tuesday at 1pm PT!

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